Join Events Organized by the Workers of Windsor-Essex this Weekend!
From Friday, April 28 to Monday, May 1, workers in Windsor-Essex, Ontario have organized a number of events which give their perspective on what is going on in their lives, in Canada and the world in defence of the dignity of labour, what is just and what is unjust and in defence of the rights of all.
The events in Windsor Essex are an integral part of events across Canada and in Quebec which also include upholding the demand for status for all migrant workers and refugees, including the agricultural workers who suffer at the hands of the agribusinesses in southwestern Ontario, and for nation-building against nation-wrecking and the use of Canadian resources in a manner which benefits the members of society, not narrow private interests and the U.S. war machine. May Day actions will salute the workers of all countries fighting a common cause and also demand that the hereditary rights of the Indigenous Peoples of this country be upheld and the needs of all working people, women and youth be met.
All together to pay respects to those who died building this country and to celebrate our achievements and discuss the challenges which lie ahead. If there are no problems, it means there is no life, so let us together face our problems with resolve and sort them out in a manner which goes in our favour.
Day of Mourning
Mourn for the Dead! Fight for the Living!
Friday, April 28 is the National the Day of Mourning for Workers Injured or Killed on the Job. It is an occasion to commemorate and honour those who lost their lives or were injured at work. On this day, they will pay deepest respects to all those whose lives have been sacrificed to build the country and needlessly on the altar of a society based on profit for narrow private interests and corrupt politicians and elites. The slogan “Fight for the Living!” embodies the actions workers are organizing for the entire weekend, up to and including May First. Below is a moving tribute on the occasion with photos of monuments dedicated to these workers across the country. We encourage you to watch it and share it with others. Paying respects on the Day of Mourning begins at the Injured Workers’ monument in Windsor’s Coventry Gardens at 5pm.

April 29 Rally to Unveil Mural Dedicated to Salt Workers’ Strike
On Saturday, April 29, starting at 10 am a rally and family event has been called by striking salt workers at which a mural dedicated to the workers will be unveiled to the public. The mural was done by fine artists Dennis and Dylan White, a father and son team who run the Art and Soul Studio in Amherstburg, Ontario. The mural, to be installed at Windsor Salt’s evaporation plant (30 Prospect Drive), reflects the longstanding tradition of working class public art in the area. Everyone is encouraged to attend with a special welcome for fellow artists and their families as well youth and students and young workers.

April 30, Workers’ Roundtable Discussion
On Sunday, April 30, the annual Workers’ Roundtable Discussion is taking place at 1:30pm at the Riverside Public Library (6305 Wyandotte St. East). The Workers’ Roundtable is organized by the organization Empower Yourself Now as an opportunity for workers of all sectors to get together, reflect on what has taken place in the last year and discuss the challenges they face in the coming year. Speaking this year will be representatives of striking public service workers, food processing workers who were on strike at Highbury Canco in Leamington, activists for injured workers, autoworkers who are preparing for Big 3 negotiations, teachers and education workers and community activists fighting for the rights of all. Everyone is invited to participate. There is still time to register to attend and/or speak. Email as space is limited.

May Day 2023
The weekend’s events culminate with May Day on Monday May 1st- International Day of Working Class Unity and Struggle. Everyone is encouraged to visit the picket lines of striking PSAC public service workers at their lines at Windsor City Hall. In the afternoon, the Windsor and District Labour Council is inviting everyone to join the Windsor Salt Mine workers’ picket line (200 Morton Drive) at 5pm for a rally. There will be poetry readings, music, and other activities for the family to celebrate the achievements of the workers’ movement and make it clear that the workers of Windsor-Essex stand as one with striking Windsor Salt workers, Public Service workers, teachers, education workers, hospital workers, agricultural workers and all workers across the country and around the world.
Spread the word about these important events organized by the working people of Windsor-Essex to speak in their own name!