Week 12 of Windsor Salt Strike: Workers’ Movement Continues to Rally Support
On April 29, Unifor locals 1959 and 240 that represent striking Windsor Salt workers in Windsor, Ontario held a rally to unveil a mural painted by local fine artists dedicated to the workers’ fight against union-busting and contracting out of their work. The mural was done by Dennis and Dylan White, a father and son team, who run the Art and Soul Studio in Amherstburg, Ontario.
The rally was attended by many of the striking workers and their families as well as community members and representatives of workers from other parts of Ontario. It was a moving event that expressed the unity of the workers of Windsor-Essex and Ontario in opposition to the nation-wrecking and union-busting activities of the owners of Windsor Salt, a U.S. holdings company named Stone Canyon Industries Holdings Inc.
The mural is now installed at the Evaporation Plant at 30 Prospect Drive in Windsor. Everyone who can is encouraged to get at least 3 others to “Get to the Line and Sign” , to help build support for the workers’ cause and to help bolster the picket lines in the face of company threats and intimidation. Take a selfie signing and spread the word that this is everyone’s fight!
Watch this video of the unveiling and interviews from the event: